Day of Penance/Austerity Day

wash+mouthYesterday was my first Day of Penance or, if you will, an Austerity Day. For the entire day I ate nothing, didn’t use a computer or TV and wasn’t supposed to cuss. I failed on the cuss part though because I swore about seven times.  I guess I just have a sailor’s mouth. In any case that’s probably a record for me because in the course of a day I usually cuss about 100 times. To test my no-eating resolve I went for a walk down to the Seattle Center where The Bite of Seattle was taking place. That’s where food merchants from all over town set up stalls to sell their food. Just walking around the center there were stalls of Filipino, Greek, Samoan, Chinese, Turkish, Indian, Mediterranean, European, Italian and other delicacies.  Even as their strong scents dilled the air I dutifully resisted. All I did was drink water. In fact, the entire day, that’s all I did. I don’t feel weak, either. In fact I still have yet to eat. Yesterday, one of my transitional housing mates tested my blood sugar. It was 78. I suppose it stayed like that all day because I didn’t feel weak, faint or light-headed. Laying off the computer was tough, though. Still, I did it. As for the cussing, well, that’s another matter. Next time I undertake an Austerity Day I’ll keep a bar of soap for my mouth, just in case.

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